Eye protection is important, especially when straw dust is involved. To make sure there are always safety glasses accessible, we took a refrigerator magnet clip and put it on our straw chopper
While dairy farming is obviously a year-round occupation, things do tend to slow down a bit over the winter. This makes it an ideal time to review records and plan for the new year
We hear a lot about milk or milk replacer feeding for calves, but Pennsylvania State University’s Jud Heinrichs emphasized the importance of feeding calf starter in a recent presentation
From early on we’re often taught to live by the Golden Rule, “Do unto others, as you would have them do onto you.” It simply means that we should treat people the same way that we would...
On occasion, growers ask for advice on forage seed mixtures. When growers are considering new alfalfa seedings, their questions focus on what other legume or grass species to add with alfalfa, and how...
There is growing global demand for grass-fed dairy products. Consumers are becoming more concerned about the origins of food, and grass-fed dairy and organic dairy provide alternative products for consumers
The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) finished the negotiation process on September 30. This agreement will replace the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) . . . if all three countries...
Have you ever wanted to talk directly with other farmers and National Dairy Checkoff staff about dairy promotion but didn't know where to go? Well, now there's an easy way to do it
Moving the gutter grates behind cows in a stanchion barn can be hard on your back and messy work. To eliminate this, we welded together some leftover pipe to create hooks. These hooks fit easily
After saving up money from bottle-feeding calves, bedding down calf hutches, and cleaning out our garage, our youngest son, Jacob, came up with enough money for a down payment to purchase his first heifer
When people talk about sustainability, they often refer to the term “carbon footprint.” However, there is more to the sustainability story than greenhouse gases
For the most part, North American data collection for genetic evaluations operates much like it did in the 1960s, with data collected through traditional milk recording systems. While farmer-recorded
Heat stress poses significant problems for the lactating cow. The extra heat produced due to greater feed consumption and metabolism makes it difficult for a cow to maintain normal body temperature
A dairy farmer can take great care to make sure the milk produced on his or her farm is of the highest quality as it travels from the cow to the bulk tank
The World Classic Sale lineup offered something for all buyers, from heifers with huge genomic numbers over 2900 GTPI to daughters of the world’s greatest show cows classified up to EX-97